Pedigree Charts

An adaptive learning tool to teach elementary schoolers about genetics and heredity.


requirements gathering -> low-fidelity prototyping -> concept validation -> curriculum writing -> asset generation -> high-fidelity prototyping -> usability testing -> production


Kate Mattison, Jeremy Murphy, Desiree Stanley, Fang Cheng, Parth Shah, Mark Ritterhoff


2015 / 6 months

Problem Statement

Pedigree charts are a useful way to teach students useful concepts such as heredity, math, and logic. However, traditional textbooks and worksheets offer limited room for students to take risks and expand their understanding of these concepts.


IXL Learning created interactive lessons centered on pedigree charts that ask students to apply familiar concepts to solving unfamiliar problems related to familiy-based heredity in plants and animals.

Selected Assets

A selection of assets from the prototyping process are presented here. To try the product live, go to: (1) Read a plant pedigree chart or (2) Read an animal pedigree chart.

[Figure 1] A question about a plant pedigree chart.

[Figure 2] A video from the live product showing a progression through a skill about plant pedigree charts.

[Figure 3] A question about an animal pedigree chart.

[Figure 4] A video from the live product showing a progression through a skill about animal pedigree charts.